The Emerge Centre for Reintegration

In 2016, after more than decade of serving survivors of child sexual abuse, Emerge developed its pioneering Emerge Centre for Reintegration, a space designed for survivors of sexual abuse who have aged out of state-run shelter care. Emerge collaborated with professionals from across different spheres (mental health, education, government, and private sectors) to design an experiential aftercare programme.

Four Pillars for Successful Reintegration

  • “All of the subjects are different, every day is different, it makes my life happy. I learned English for the first time, and now can understand and speak a little bit. Self-defense class was good, in my life, if I ever need to protect myself, now I can and I will. I know that if I ever have problem, I can come back here.”

    -Emerge Centre Participant

  • “After coming to the Emerge Centre, not only was I able to talk about my issues, but I was able to change my life. Due to the counseling sessions I got used to good personal values, anger management, controlling self-harm, and nurturing happiness within myself.”

    -Emerge Centre Participant

  • “Before the self-defense course, I felt scared of going into society, I felt afraid when people looked at me. When I felt people were following me, it would make me want to run away. Now, I feel like I can face things I am afraid of. I want to be able to help children defend themselves, so they don’t have to go through difficult situations. "

    -Emerge Participant

  • “Counseling was my favorite part of the program. I have never been able to talk to a counselor before. When I feel sad, or am having bad thoughts, I can talk to the counselor. After talking I feel like I can be present again, I feel release.”

    -Emerge Centre Participant
