Ranmalie Abeyesekere

Strategic Partnerships Lead

Though she did her BSc in Biomedical Science, her passion has always been to lend a more hands-on approach to mental health advocacy, community development and psychological healing and well-being, as a result, she completed her MSc in Psychology to help her follow in that pursuit. She has worked in various fields, and brings that adaptability to all areas, both personal and professional. Through her work with Emerge Lanka, her aim is to make sure the team has the financial resources necessary to approach individuals as early as possible with the practical life skill, and therapeutic tools that allows for reduced re-traumatisation in all areas of life. She shares with the team the hopes to empower, uplift and successfully re-integrate as many young women as possible. She strongly believes that the path to sustainable change is through prevention, and sees Emerge Lanka as a crucial agent of change that has already made its mark in the space of support for children and young adults in state-run care.