Programmes for Children in Institutional Care

Emerge partners with existing shelters to provide trauma-sensitive programming for girls under age 18. Our curriculum supports participants’ healing journeys and gives them the concrete foundation needed to launch their futures through three components: Life Skills, Reproductive Health, and Mental Health. Our Beads-to-Business Programme is currently on hold while we re-launch our product line.

Programme Components

  • “I love Emerge Lanka very much. From all of the lessons that the 'akka’s' (older sisters) taught us, my favorite was the lesson on Personal Values. This is because I used to believe that I was not worthy, that my life was meaningless and that I am a useless child. But the workshops on Personal Values taught me that I AM important. I do have value in this world. Thank you for teaching us things like this. I love Ashani akka, Theja akka and Amanda akka - thank you Emerge”

    -Emerge Centre Participant

  • "I have no words to express what Emerge means to me. When we were sad and alone in the shelter, it was only Emerge that I felt close to and it was only because of Emerge that I could keep happiness within my heart. It was the Beads-to-Business programme that helped me through when I felt trapped and lonely in the shelter. Emerge has helped me so much even after I left the shelter. I am so thankful to Emerge. Emerge keeps helping me to this day. My husband also agrees that Emerge is a special place with special people."

    -Emerge Programme Participant

  • “Everyone thought I was a difficult, angry, unlovable person. However, as I learnt and processed my story more, I’m able to see some strengths too, even if its one.”

    -Emerge Programme Participant